
Research Code & Datasets

Some of my research involves robots interacting with objects in the real world. I have collected RGB-D, robot state and other sensing available during robot execution for future use. I have made these datasets available along with quick implementations(mostly python) of the main contributions of associated research article. Reach out to me if you are looking for something specific from my research that’s not available here and I will share them with you.

Benchmarking In-Hand Manipulation Code Dataset Article
Force Estimation for BioTac Code Dataset Article
In-Grasp Manipulation with Relaxed-Rigidity Code Dataset Article

Robot System Code

I have also developed system level code(mostly C++) for robots ranging from low-level controllers to setting up finite state machines, primarily in ROS. Some of my primary contributions have been in the below packages,

Description Package URL
Allegro Hand Driver + Inv. Dynamics controllers allegro_driver
KUKA LBR4 OROCOS Real-time controllers lwr_hardware
Robot Kinematics + Dynamics Wrapper ll4ma_kdl
Robot Motion Optimization Tools ll4ma_opt_utils
Polygon Mesh Collision+SDF Wrapper ll4ma_collision_wrapper
Arm motion planning via trajectory optimization ll4ma_planner